Ernest Adams is a mobile Notary Public who provides notary services in Groton, Connecticut 06340.
Do I need identification for you to notarize my signature (or the signature of the person signing the document)?
Yes. You will need two pieces of ID, unless I know you personally. Please note that they must be current, not expired. Only original documents, not photocopies or scanned images, are acceptable in Connecticut.
For your primary ID, you must have photo identification issued by a federal or state government. Commonly-used primary ID include a driver's license, passport, green card, state-issued non-driver's ID, pistol permit, and military ID. Your photo ID must also contain your written signature.
Your secondary ID must contain your signature, but does not need a photo. Examples of commonly-used secondary ID include signed credit cards or debit cards and work IDs. (I do not want to know your credit card or debit card number!)
If you have any questions, please call (860) 543-2334.
Will you notarize a Will?
Yes, I will notarize a Will that has been prepared by an attorney or one generated by a so-called "Will Kit", as long as the form has not been filled out by hand. I cannot, must not, and will not give any advice about filling out forms because I am not an attorney.
Connecticut law requires two witnesses for a Will. It is your responsibility to provide witnesses who have no financial interest in the Will.
Will you notarize a Power of Attorney?
Yes, I will notarize a Power of Attorney as long as the person granting the power is, in my layman's opinion, mentally competent and has appropriate identification (see "Do I need identification", above).
Connecticut law requires two witnesses for a Power of Attorney. It is your responsibility to find two witnesses. I will not be one of those two witnesses. I will not find witnesses for you. Please call (860) 543-2334 if you have any questions.
How much do you charge?
Connecticut law sets the fees that Notaries Public are allowed to charge: $5.00 per notarization plus mileage. For a single Groton notarization, you will pay $10 - $20 or less. The fee you pay will depend primarily on the number of notarizations you need. For late night notarizations a surcharge may apply.
Payment must be made at the time the Notary Public services are rendered. Payment may be made with cash or a local check. (Because of processing fees, I cannot accept credit or debit cards.) United States dollars are the only currency accepted. I do not carry more than $20 in cash with me.
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